My Starwars Autograph Collection

Featuring Graphs and Pictures from Larry Holt

My Larry Holt Autograph

larry holt.jpg Alistair PetrieСликички

About my Larry Holt Autograph

A cool graph from Stuntman Larry Holt
Mr Holt performed stunts as a Stormtrooper, Biker Scout, Skiff Guard etc. and portrayed the character Taym Dren-Garen who was a guard on Jabba's Sail Barge. He was also Harrison Ford's stunt double in the Ewok's net trap scene.

Information about this Larry Holt image

Dave Louis Oldbury
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Фотографирана во
среда 23 јануари 2019
Return of the Jedi


More pictures and autographs from my starwars collection